Ashley Shepherd is the founder and managing director at Over50choices. With over 30 years’ experience in financial services, he has held senior roles in building societies, banks and insurance companies.
The death of someone close to us typically releases very personal emotions. Coping with grief is likely to vary considerably from one person to another and from one time to another.
In the latest figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) - a man now aged 65 may expect to live a further 18.5 years and a woman 20.9 years. 20 years of life in retirement may prove difficult for many people to fund.
For all the myths and old wives tales, there is no elixir of life to keep you forever young. But bookshelves and the internet these days are awash with practical ways on how to stay healthy for longer and the older you get, staying healthy becomes ever more a priority.
It's an unfortunate fact of life that there are plenty of people out there who will be only too keen to remove your money from you by whatever means possible. That includes your pension lump sums or 'pension pot' as they're sometimes called.
This article will discuss what you need to know when buying cover, so you can make an informed decision as to which option is the most appropriate for you.
Although we may take it for granted, the state of our health is of the utmost importance and can have a serious impact on the way we live our lives. As we get older, the risks to our health become more apparent, so the need to get and stay fit increases.
One of the primary reasons people choose private health care is to speed up the treatment process; so I was interested to read a recent article on the BBC news website about NHS targets
It has been a while since I last wrote about Pet Cremation and funerals and a lot has changed in that time. My ginger (well, mainly grey) companion who laid at my feet whilst I tapped away at the keys is no longer with us.
Shocking research from Royal London shows people who go in to residential care could face bills from £50,000 to £93,000 at the end of their life.
For significant numbers of people, the idea of donating their body after death to medical science has many attractions.
When someone you live with and love is diagnosed with dementia, the effects can be devastating. Dr Jamie Wilson gives advice.
The Alzheimer's Society points out that although there is no cure for Alzheimer's or dementia generally, you can plan ahead with your loved ones.
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