What are the best prepaid direct cremation plans?

In this guide: A prepaid direct cremation plan is around 60% cheaper than the average traditional cremation funeral plan*. To help you compare simple cremation plans, we look at how they work, what they cost and review leading plan providers.

ashley shepherd author
Checked & updated 17th March 2025

What is a prepaid direct cremation plan?

Prepaid cremation plans let you arrange and pay for your cremation in advance. Choosing to prepay this way means you can arrange the direct cremation services you want and pay for them at today’s prices.

Cremation plans typically include the services required for a direct cremation, such as collection and care of the deceased, an unattended cremation and return of the ashes. Some low cost funeral plan providers also allow between 10 and 12 people to attend the committal for an additional fee.

A direct cremation plan could be a good idea if you prefer a fuss free cremation and would like to pay and arrange everything in advance. The price you pay is fixed and based on today’s prices, so you could avoid inflation and save money if funeral prices increase in the future.

Compare prepaid cremation providers

Some prepaid direct cremation plans may look cheap but to make a true comparison, it also helps to compare how each plan works and the services it does and doesn’t include.

The services included in a plan are guaranteed however there may be some associated costs that are not included. For example, some plans:

  • Charge extra for collection out of hours
  • Don't include doctor’s fees, if required
  • Charge extra for collection from home or a nursing home
  • Only include an allowance for the cremation fees that could leave family with more to pay
  • Operate from a single location
  • Charge extra for return of the ashes

At the end of the day the cheapest prepaid cremation plan may not be the best if there are additional services to pay for when the time comes.

This table compares prepaid cremation plans from the UK's FCA authorised providers who provide national coverage.

*If you're viewing this page on a mobile phone, scroll right to see the full table. 

Provider Single payment Collection fully covered Ashes delivered Cremation fees Doctors fees
Golden Leaves £1,499 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Coop £1,700 tick icon cross image Guaranteed Not included
Dignity £1,799 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Not included
Pure Cremation £1,895 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Golden Charter £1,785 cross image cross image Allowance Allowance
Distinct Cremations £1,899 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Avalon £1,675 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Memoria £1,490 cross image tick icon Guaranteed Not included
Ecclesiastical Not known     Guaranteed Not included
With Grace £1,340 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Crystal Cremations £1,395 tick icon cross image Guaranteed Guaranteed
Celebration of Life £1,450 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Aura Life £1,695 tick icon tick icon Guaranteed Guaranteed
Open Prepaid Funerals £1,845 Not known Not known Allowance Not included

This is a summary of some of the key features, before deciding on the right plan you should read the full product details. Over50choices is an independent source of information and is not associated with any provider. Prices correct as at 17th March 2025.

advertWhich is the best prepaid cremation plan?

The best prepaid cremation plan should include a dignified cremation and be provided by a company you can trust. Prepaid plans guarantee a fuss free, unattended cremation, but there may be associated costs not included, such as, collection out of hours or from home and the return of the ashes.

Each provider will have their own key features document, which explains the services included and excluded from the plan, to help you choose the best direct cremation plan for you.

Are prepaid direct cremation plans regulated?

Yes, prepaid direct cremation plans are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and all providers must adhere to the FCA's strict rules and principles.

Through the FCA, prepaid direct cremation plan customers have access to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. An independent body set up by the government to protect consumers when financial firms fail.

What are the pros and cons of a prepaid direct cremation plan?

There are several benefits in having a prepaid direct cremation plan however they are not suitable for everyone. Our pros and cons will help you understand if a prepaid cremation plan could be right for you.


  • It can save you money if funeral costs increase
  • The services included in the plan are guaranteed
  • It could help with potential cashflow issues at the time of need
  • Your family can say goodbye their way, at a time and place they prefer
  • 60% cheaper than the average traditional funeral
  • Exempt from inheritance tax
  • Not classed as savings so won’t count in care home means tested assessments
  • Monthly plans provide services after the initial waiting period
  • Some plans let family attend the committal


  • Could be more expensive if funeral prices go down
  • May not cover all of your costs
  • You can not visit the chapel of rest
  • The location of the crematorium may not be local
  • Your family may prefer a traditional funeral service
  • The company decides on the date and time of the cremation
  • You may need the money now
  • You will have to pay more to attend the commital

Prepaid direct cremation plan reviews

Take a look at our reviews - national providers under the spotlight:

Golden Leaves
Memoria Funerals
Golden Charter
Crystal Cremations
Distinct Cremations
Pure Cremation
Celebration of Life
With Grace
Open Prepaid Funerals
Aura Life

How much does a prepaid cremation plan cost?

The cost of a prepaid direct cremation plan is typically between £1,500 to £2,000. However, the overall cost of a prepaid cremation will depend on the company you choose, the services included and how you prefer to pay for your plan.

How can I pay for a direct cremation plan? advert

You can pay in advance for a prepaid direct cremation plan either with a single payment or monthly instalments over a number of years.

Paying in one go is the cheapest way to buy a prepaid direct cremation plan and many low cost funeral plan providers let you spread the cost over 12 months without incurring additional fees.

If you prefer to pay monthly instalment options are available. You do incur additional charges for spreading your payments, however the total cost will be made clear to you at the outset.

Is it cheaper to pay for a direct cremation in advance?

A prepaid cremation can be cheaper, as you are fixing the cost at today’s prices, avoiding future inflation if funeral costs increase. Once your plan is in place, the services guaranteed in your plan will be carried out when the time comes at no extra cost to your family, no matter when that is in the future.

What can I do now?

For more information on direct cremation and how it works, take a look at our simple guide.

Alternatively if you think you may prefer a plan that includes a funeral service, our guide to prepaid funeral plans may help.

*SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2025 average traditional funeral costs - £4,285

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