Health insurance for over 65s

Updated 8th July 2024

over 65 couple at lap top

  • Medical cover for the over 65s
  • Could be more affordable than you think
  • New or switching over 65 health insurance could be cheaper than you think
  • Pre-existing conditions considered
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The cost of health insurance as we get older increases in line with the greater risk of us facing an illness or requiring medical treatment and some insurers do have age limits however over 65 health insurance is readily available for those looking for speedy access to treatment and private healthcare

Yes private health insurance for 65 and older can be more expensive and some insurers may not provide cover above this age but for those companies that do offer more senior health insurance, plans can be tailored to make them more affordable.

By choosing only those healthcare services you need, health insurance needn’t break the bank. In addition it’s good to know that there are a number of health care providers in the UK such as Saga who are more dedicated to senior health insurance and either have no age limit or allow you to continue your health care cover with them up to any age.

You can get medical insurance for retirees over 65 too, so if you have had health insurance through your working life but would like to continue your healthcare cover through to your retirement, help is on hand.

The main thing to remember when comparing medical insurance for over 65 is that the policy can be tailored to only include the healthcare services you require, which in turn will reduce amount you pay on a monthly basis.

What does private health insurance for over 65s include?

If you are looking at a more affordable over 65 health plan, then it is worth thinking about the healthcare cover you need and whether you are happy to opt for a more basic option as opposed to comprehensive health insurance.

Private health insurance covers three types of care:

  • Inpatient – medical treatment where you are required to stay in hospital overnight
  • Day-Patient – Medical treatment that requires the use of a hospital bed during the day only
  • Outpatient – Treatment or consultation where a hospital bed is not required

More basic medical insurance for over 50 and 65 year olds will not include Outpatient care which automatically lowers the cost of the health cover. This means that the test and diagnosis of an illness or injury would not be covered by your private medical insurance but the actual medical treatment would be.

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How to get cheaper health insurance at 65 & older

There are ways to reduce the cost of your health care cover at any age however given the increase in monthly premiums, this may become more important to you as you get older. Don’t automatically opt for cheap health insurance though as it may not give you the health care cover you need.

As mentioned above, the first thing to do is decide whether you are happy with a more basic policy or if you are happy to pay more for comprehensive health insurance. Then think about the following:

  • Are you happy to be treated by the NHS if it can take place within a specified period – usually 6 weeks?
  • Are you happy to choose from a restricted list of private hospitals?
  • Are you happy to pay towards some of your medical costs?
  • Are you happy to pay a higher excess for your treatment?

The good thing about private medical insurance is that you have the flexibility to alter the plan to suit your needs and your budget; so thinking about the things that are important versus those healthcare benefits you can do without will help you choose wisely.

It’s also worth mentioning that your lifestyle and health may play a part in how much you pay for your private health insurance as some leading companies offer incentives and bonuses for staying fit.

Looking for a plan with a more comprehensive cover?

What is the best health cover for over 65?

Regardless of whether you are still working or looking for health insurance for retirees over 65, it is always important to do your homework and look at the options available to you.

It may help to talk through your options with our partner First Choice Health & Protection, who specialise in health insurance and can compare and switch medical insurance companies for you. It’s a free service and they can guide you on the most suitable private health insurance plans for 65 and over.

In addition to helping you review the best over 65 health insurance plans, they can also talking through health insurance with pre-existing medical conditions you have and how they could affect your insurance.

Our advice

Our advice is to always compare the market and speak to an adviser who will find the best deal to suit you.

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